Do you have problems with breathing or vocal cords?
If you have asthma, bronchitis, pulmonary fibrosis? Are you recovering from the surgery of lower respiratory tract or are your vocal cords damaged due to a vocal overload…?
INHALATION THERAPY using natural mineral waters, respiratory rehabilitation, drinking cures, natural carbonic baths and other spa treatments as prescribed by the doctor.
Regeneration of damaged mucous membranes, coughing up facilitating and airways releasing, improvement of pulmonary ventilation and breathing stereotype, increasing the resistance to infection, improvement of physical fitness, psychical relaxation.
Have you suffered a musculoskeletal injury or have
you had an orthopedic surgery?
If you have coxarthritis, gonartrosis, arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis…?
NATURAL CARBONIC BATHS, INDIVIDUAL REHABILITATION, group locomotor therapy, reflexology massage, peat compress, classic or underwater massage, electrotherapy and other spa treatments as prescribed by the doctor.
Daily locomotor therapy is needed after all injuries or surgeries of musculoskeletal system. Spa treatment helps to restore quality of walking and optimally burden endoprosthesis after artificial joint replacement. If you suffer back pain, our treatment restores mobility of individual segments of the spine and adjusts the balance in the activity of trunk muscles.
Do the root syndroms cause you troubles or do you have Parkinson's disease?
NATURAL CARBONIC BATHS, INDIVIDUAL REHABILITATION, group locomotor therapy, reflexology massage, peat compress, classic or underwater massage, electrotherapy and other spa treatments as prescribed by the doctor.
For painful diseases, our treatment uses such means that have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect and improve local blood flow. For diseases with prevalence of movement disability, we focus on training and improvement of motion functions.
Are you recovering from surgery of
stomach, esophagus, intestines or bladder?
Do you suffer from Crohn's disease, acute or chronic pancreatitis…?
THERAPY OF DRINKING natural mineral water, dietotherapy, natural carbonic baths, bubble baths, locomotor therapy and other spa treatments as prescribed by the doctor.
Improvement or complete disappearance of subjective symptoms, pain, fullness, bloating, belching, regulation of body weight and regaining of physical and mental condition.
Are you fighting against high
blood pressure?
If you have leg artery disease, peripheral vascular functional disorder...?
NATURAL CARBONIC BATHS, bubble baths, whirlpool baths, alternating limb baths, vacuum compression therapy, four-chamber bath and other spa treatments as prescribed by the doctor.
Increase efficiency of heart work, decrease blood pressure, improve blood supply to peripheral vessels and slowing of their gradual deterioration, improvement of oxidative processes in tissues. Spa treatment of these diseases has preventive and aftercare character, too.
Are you a diabetic? |
DIET THERAPY, DRINKING THERAPY using our natural mineral waters, exercise therapy, natural carbonic baths, alternating feet baths, whirling baths for lower limbs, four-chamber baths, vacuum compression therapy and other spa procedures as prescribed by the doctor.
Control of diabetes, slowing down the onset of complications caused by diabetes mellitus, decreasing of elevated cholesterol and fat values, weight reduction.