Treatment stay for children

Spa treatment for children from 1,5 to 18 years.

Unique nature healing waters help to treat the children respiratory and digestive tract diseases, obesity, skin diseases (except psoriasis) and help with recovering after the oncological treatment.

  • 7x accommodation with full board
  • 1x entry medical examination
  • prescription of individual treatment programme focused on the treatment of the indicated diseases
  • 18x treatment procedure according to the physician's prescription
  • daily drinking cure of the local mineral waters





We guarantee the spa treatment using the natural healing waters during the procedures to your child.

You will find the accommodation with your children at the hotel Jurkovičův dům and villas Alpská růže and Chaloupka. Children accommodated with their parents have their procedures at the children’s hospitals Miramonti or Vítkov. Near children hospitals are easily reachable by walking through the spa park.

Parents accompany their children to all spa procedures. Children have their procedures at new spa centres with modern equipment.

Balneo-facility of a new generation 

Prolongation of the stay

In case you decide to prolong your stay, you will pay the same amount for each additional night as the original price for one night was in the chosen room and season (the price of the stay is divided by the number of nights, e.g. 7).

Each following 1 night (except Sunday):

  • 1x accommodation with full board
  • 3x treatment procedure as prescribed by the physician

Special offer 

1, 3 or 4 nights
14 = 13
21 = 18
28 = 24

Order the Treatment stay for children, have 14, 21 or 28 nights and get 1, 3, or 4 nights for free.


Special offer for the stay Treatment stay for children is valid during the whole year and cannot be combined with another special offer.